Get Involved

We value our residents views and opinions

Get Involved

Our resident involvement projects and groups are here to make sure we regularly talk to you and listen to your opinion.

We want to hear your views when we plan our services, so our commitment and promise is to listen to you and to learn from your feedback.
Our commitment means we will fulfil the additional duties to consult with you, as outlined in the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, specifically section 234 and 235. We have to ensure that you as contract holders are made aware of any changes we are planning to the way we manage your home. We must also give you a reasonable amount of time to give us your feedback on any changes, before providing an update on the final plans agreed.

We want to work with you and have your feedback and ideas on:

1. Policy decisions – changes to the way we work

2. The services you receive

3. Our plans and priorities

We promise to support you to get involved in the areas of Beacon that matter most to you (e.g. how we manage our homes or how we plan repairs), with activities and projects that are flexible and easy to take part in.

For more information get in touch:

Call us on 01443 424200

Can we help you with anything?

Take a look at our core services.

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Want to Get Involved?

Get in touch

Got a question? Get in touch! [email protected] 01443 424200 CF40 1BE