Modern Slavery Statement

We are a not for profit organisation registered under the Cooperative and Communities Benefits Act.

‘To provide quality homes, regenerate communities and improve lives.’

The day to day running of the business is overseen by the Chief Executive and a Management Board has strategic oversight. The role of the Association can be best described in our mission statement above.

RHA has been providing housing in the area for over 40 years and actively invest in regeneration in Rhondda Cynon Taf and the Cynon Valley.

A Responsible Business:

Supply Chain

We are committed to taking steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

We will act with integrity in all our business relationships and will enforce effective controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

RHA’s Procurement Policy sets out our approach to modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains. Where appropriate, we will require our suppliers to publish a statement on modern slavery as part of any procurement processes undertaken and monitor our supplier’s ongoing compliance as part of our contract management processes.

A Responsible Landlord and Employer:

Recruitment and Training

Prior to employment, all staff undergo basic eligibility checks to ensure they have the correct legal status to work in the UK. Further DBS checks are carried out on those who will be engaging with vulnerable adults, such as the Homelessness Intervention Project (HIP) Team.

As part of training, all staff have watched the Governments Modern Slavery Is Closer than You Think. This will also be included in all future induction training.


A whistleblowing policy is in place, and staff have been reminded of this as part of the modern slavery training.

Safeguarding our tenants

A safeguarding policy is in place for tenants, and this has been updated to include modern slavery and human trafficking. An ‘indicators of abuse’ document sits alongside this, which contains indicators to identify victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.

RHA Commitment

We are committed to ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains. We will continue to develop our approach to tackling the issue of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

This statement has been reviewed by the Chief Executive and approved by the RHA Board on 03 December 2020 and will be reviewed annually.


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