Renting Homes Act (Wales) – Converted Contracts
The Renting Homes Act changes the way all landlords rent their homes to improve how we provide, manage, and live in rented homes in Wales. The new law was applied from 1st December 2022 and affects all landlords and tenants in Wales.
This new law introduced many changes to tenancy laws and will apply to both social landlords and the private rented sector. It simplifies and improves your rights as a tenant, and it improves how some landlords manage rented homes in Wales. One of the biggest changes was the introduction of a new ‘Occupation Contract’ which all landlords must issue in place of the old ‘Tenancy Agreement’. So, if you became a tenant with us after 1st December 2022, you will have signed an Occupation Contract as the ‘Contract Holder’ of your new home. For all tenants prior to the act coming into force, you will shortly receive a new contract, which replaces your old Tenancy Agreement and are automatically ‘converted’ over to the new Occupation Contract.
The changes have no effect on your rent and will not cost you any money.
You will receive your new Converted Contract in the post, with a covering letter and information shortly.
You do not need to sign or return the contract to us, simply keep it in a safe place.
Some changes RHA Wales tenants can expect:
- It’s clearer what RHA Wales is responsible for maintaining (e.g., kitchen units) and what you are responsible for (e.g., replacing light bulbs)
- It removes the restriction on parking commercial vehicles on drives or in car parks and adds a restriction on parking very large vehicles (commercial or otherwise)
- It increases building safety by including that RHA Wales conducts electrical safety checks every five years and for access to be provided for this
- It’s also clearer which alterations you need permission for before doing them
- You will become known as a ‘contract holder’ and will be issued with an ‘Occupation Contract’ (this used to be called a Tenancy Agreement) by 1st June 2023
- For Joint contract holders you can ask us to add someone to your contract who you want to live with. You don’t have to start a new contract to request this
- Succession rights: In some circumstances, you can pass your home onto other people to continue living in. For example, you can ask for your home to be passed onto your partner
Where can you find more information and what you need to do?
To find out more about the new legislation and the impact it will have on both tenants and landlords, have a look at the Welsh Government’s website: Welsh Government – Renting Homes Act (Wales)
Or take a look at the Welsh Government’s Easy Read guide for tenants which is available here: Easy Read Leaflet
We are sending new contracts to all customers between December 2022 and June 2023. You don’t need to do a thing, no need to sign the contract or return it to us. Just keep it in a safe place.