Trouble paying your rent?

There are many ways we can support you

We Can Help & Support You – Payment Advice Team

Our Payment Advice Team are here to help if you are having problems paying your rent and they can support you if you are in financial difficulty. We are a team of specialist staff who have a wealth of experience and knowledge and we want to ensure you are free from worry, managing to pay your rent and receiving everything you are entitled to.

It is really important to let us know if you are struggling to pay your rent, as there are lots of ways we can help you and your family so please don’t bury your head in the sand. Let us know and speak to us today.

Here’s how we can support you:

  • We can help you make informed choices in regard to your budgets
  • Support you to claim benefits, including Universal Credit, Housing Benefit & any other entitlements
  • Ease your financial worries and ensure you are not in rent arrears
  • Help you maintain your tenancy and prevent any potential eviction
  • Refer you to local projects who can offer you food donations in times of need
  • We can also put you in touch with other partner organisations which give you free and confidential advice

Citizens Advice RCT offers practical information and advice on a wide range of topics, including debt, legal, employment, immigration and other problems.

Visit them at 5 Gelliwastad Road, Pontypridd, CF37 2BP or telephone them on 03444 772020 or email: [email protected] or visit their website:

There is also a free debt help available from Step Change Debt Charity. Step Change can assess your finances and recommend the most suitable debt solution for your personal circumstances. Visit their website: or call: 0800 138 1111

Remember we are here to help and support you so please get in touch:

You can call us: 01443 424200.

Email us: [email protected]

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Got a question? Get in touch! [email protected] 01443 424200 CF40 1BE