Community Clean-Ups

As a responsible landlord, we balance the needs of our tenants whilst improving our natural environment. Our TENANT COMMITMENT promises to listen to tenants views and plan our services to make improvements that meet their priorities.

Colleagues from our Sustainable Tenancies Team spent the day with our tenants of Ty Bethania in Treorchy as we understood that fly tipping what an issue and we could help them improve the outdoor space.  We took the opportunity to give their garden a clean up, decluttered and got everyone involved whilst chatting about our other services.
Community clean-ups are a great way of disposing of non-household rubbish and ensuring they can feel proud of where they live and enjoy outdoor spaces. We worked together to take action to improve their environment, learn more about recyling and created meaningful change.

We had such a warm welcome and tenants helped us load up the skip and got the opportunity to declutter some of their unwanted (non-recyclable) items. Working together we made such a difference to their outside space.  Gone was all the unwanted clutter and rubbish from their garden and surrounding paved areas and now its back to its warm welcoming and usable space for the tenants to enjoy.

Annalisa Beavan – Head of Sustainable Tenancies team said:

Both the team and the tenants really enjoyed seeing the difference that we made by all working together.
Plus, it was a great opportunity to meet tenants informally and chat as we worked so we can understand where we can make improvements and support them with their priorities.


This is the second in a series of community events and much like the first, was such a success that Housing Team will be arranging more in 2023. The third event will be in Maerdy and if you would like to know more, or get in touch then drop us an email or give us a call.


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