The Little Shed has launched!


Little Shed is our new community hub on the high street in Tonypandy and last week we officially opened our doors inviting tenants, staff & partners in to celebrate with us!

The space used to be our old office but with the help of the Black Sheep youth project and our contractors it’s transformed into a modern and welcoming space which will be home to our Grub Hub food parcel project, a Community Fridge, Digital Friday’s, Play It Again Sports shops, health sessions plus so much more.

Our local contractors and suppliers also kindly supported the venture through our Community Benefits programme (‘Giving Back‘) and we would like to thank:  Vision Products, Property Building Maintenance Wales Ltd, Flair Electrical Engineering Ltd, Bright Collie, Greenstream Flooring, IVC Flooring, Ministry of Furniture and the Arts Factory Rhondda for their generous contributions and in helping is see our vision at the Little Shed become a reality.

In 2019 we joined forces with the Black Sheep (part of ARC Training Company) to refurbish the space on Dunraven Street. Their young people worked to renovate the Little Shed while gaining new skills and qualifications. Thirty students from local comprehensive schools have worked on the space and these amazing young people have all completed Level 1 in Health and Safety in construction, Level 1 in Asbestos Awareness and Level 2 in Manual Handling, 2 have progressed to gain employment


Jen Ellis - Director of Homes & Communities said:

‘We are delighted to open the Little Shed for community use. Getting the space ready has been a team effort and we are very grateful to the young people involved in the Black Sheep Project and to our many contractors for enabling it’s refurbishment, they have supported us to create a beautiful and unique place on the high street which we are sure benefit to many people.  We look forward to seeing projects such as Grub Hub and Community Fridge, Digital Fridays and coffee mornings develop and to seeing our partnerships continue to grow’.

Our partners at People and Work said:

“People & Work has been in a working partnership with RHA Wales for several years. This has included working together on a digital project to address data poverty, digital skills and the need for digital devices (especially in the pandemic). Over the past year, we have also partnered with RHA Wales and others in the Rhondda Repair Café as part of our own sustainability project, Play It Again Sport. Since the refurbishment of the Little Shed, we have been encouraged to use the premises for digital Fridays (access to devices, support and free data) and Play It Again Sport’s pop-up shop which offers sports kit to people at very low prices. Having a town centre, main street location with the Little Shed has transformed our outreach with both projects. A simple sign of our mutual partnership approach can be found in the free WiFi available: our portable 4G mobile router has been supplied with a SIM card by RHA Wales!”

Our Little Shed is becoming a hub for so much community activity on our high street, which is easily accessible and providing vital help at this challenging time.

Get in touch with us to find out more!

01443 424200

[email protected]

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